Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The problem with rebranding

Some companies try a new logo. Others a new logo and site. Or tagline. Or all of the above plus new uniforms.
Too many companies try to relaunch or rebrand by just changing the look of their brand.

And it doesn't make a damn difference. Because:
a) Nobody cares. Not even your employees care that much.
b) Your brand only exists in the mind of your consumers and staff, in their dialogue and emotions in regards to your brand.
c) Colors, logos and site are nice but your behavior positions the brand in the mindset of your customers and employees.
If you want to rebrand, you have to change your mindset, your behavior, the way you approach the product and your customer.
I'm all for changing the logo and site at the end of this process.
Not as an excuse for not doing the right thing.

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